Theme: v1.3.113
Widgets: v1.1.10

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World phenomena

Take a look below and explore what a module of World Phenomena looks like.

Theme: Water
Perspective: How does it work?
Module: In the footsteps of water in the landscape

Lead-in: Arizona

The teacher and the students start a discussion and form a hypothesis about the formation of the most famous canyon in the world.

1. The greatest valley in the world

The Bingo game is focused on understanding the content of educational videos. During the activity, students will learn about the world’s largest canyon.

2. How does a river affect the landscape​

In the role-playing game students make up questions from information that was presented in the video. Students understand the erosion action of the river, develop critical thinking and learn to formulate questions and answers.

3. Weathering and erosion

The activity is focused on peer education. In pairs, students read and interpret a text on the problems of weathering and erosion. In addition to gaining new knowledge, pupils learn to work with the text and shall explain its contents.

4. Water in the landscape

Students play a memory game focused on repetition. The pairs contain terms and definitions related to the module theme.


During the module, the teacher rewards groups, or individual students with 12 progress stickers for the World Phenomena Game

5 solutions for implementation

World Phenomena as a new teaching subject

Why yes:
  • time to carry out activities and multiple topics
  • team teaching with two teachers / division into groups
  • creating a standard space for cross-curricular teaching
What to consider:
  • more demanding organizational arrangements: timetable
  • creating a curriculum for a new subject
  • higher demands on teachers
Real life example:

School management and teachers created a World Phenomena subject with a two-hour allowance from available lessons to create blocks of consecutive 45-minute classes to carry out activities. The World Phenomena are taught by two Physics-Biology and History-Geography teachers, and in block teaching they will take turns as needed. They also teach the whole class or divide into halves.

Start teaching in an innovative, attractive and experiential way today
Order the World Phenomena educational materials package for your school and get everything to start teaching a new school subject immediately.
„We see the World Phenomena Expedition project as an opportunity to revive traditional teaching with new features. Especially pupils with learning difficulties can engage in the learning process in an interesting way with these non-traditional methods.“
Mgr. Lenka Paľová
T. J. Mousson Primary School, Michalovce
„World Phenomena Expedition can draw a pupil into a problem in a wider context - becoming a member of the expedition seeking solutions as part of a team. But the pupil doesn’t know the tasks are being solved in a cross-curricular way with a focus on problem-solving, which is exactly the innovative perspective. The subjects overlap. Such an approach to the subjects, a broader perspective, is also a novelty for teachers. It is a challenge we all look forward to.“
Mgr. Róbert Harmata
Primary school, Benkova 34, Nitra
„BBC videos - as well as high-quality cross-curricular activities linked to innovative teaching methods - will help us achieve our goals. We’ll be implementing this project now and in years to come into our teaching and we believe it will be of great all-round benefit.“
Mgr. Katarína Kurucová
Primary school, Komenského 13, Sabinov
„World Phenomena is a wealth of quality teaching materials, ready-made methodologies for teachers, the opportunity to experience innovative teaching methods, a new dimension of teaching, and the opportunity to show that innovation originates from a teacher’s thinking and attitude.“
Mgr. Gabriela Kuklišová
J. J. Turzo Primary School, Detva
„We also joined the project because it’s good for children and teachers. When we discussed it with colleagues, they liked the idea and were eager to participate. We look forward to seeing how the children enjoy learning.“
RNDr. Zuzana Hanudelová
Primary school, Komenského 13, Sabinov
„Being involved in the World Phenomena project is an opportunity to make teaching more attractive for our pupils and teachers. Using the project’s modern methods, activities and videos, we can increase pupils' interest in education and open new perspectives on current topics while enriching traditional teaching.“
Mgr. Lenka Harvanová
Primary school, Trieda SNP 20, Banská Bystrica
„World Phenomena immediately interested me as an English teacher as it also includes BBC videos and I also enjoy new challenges. The school board opted for education through the new school subject ‘Research’. I am interested in physics, culture, books, and documents in general - so this was a dream come true. Our education system lacks this - linking topics, languages, cultures, etc. Education should be comprehensive rather than partial. The teaching will be experiential for the children and me.“
Mgr. Miroslava Závadská
Primary school, Pribinova 123/9, Nováky
„World Phenomena Expedition takes education to another dimension. The pupil becomes a researcher and the teacher increasingly becomes a facilitator. Individual phenomena are introduced in context and presented through unique BBC videos. By linking to English language teachers can apply the CLIL method to their teaching. And we see the main importance of this project in the application of cross-curricular relationships and the complexity that characterizes individual phenomena.“
Ing. Daniela Kopinská
Grammar school, Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
„We were intrigued by the opportunity to bring unique educational materials to pupils, including videos from the BBC and the World Phenomena Expedition with a young YouTuber. Teachers also need motivation in the 21st century and they can get it thanks to World Phenomena’s innovative educational methods, amazing educational materials and digital technologies.“
Mgr. Katarína Šalamúnová
Primary school, Mládežnícka 1434/16, Púchov