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World phenomena

Kara Iaconis

Why is a reputable world organization such as BBC Learning working with AGEMSOFT on this training material?

After meeting people from AGEMSOFT, we understood their goals and perspective about digital education. We believe that our video library can be successfully used to create a quality educational product for any educational system. When we saw the produced material, we were confident that we had made the right decision.
PaedDr. Viera Kalmárová

The World Phenomena project has the potential to overcome the negative consequences of purely subject-based teaching about the natural and social environment. The internal structure of individual themes and their didactic elaboration will develop pupils' dispositions to perceive key mutual phenomena.

Among other benefits, I consider the most important the fact that teachers and pupils can rediscover that which has slowly disappeared from schools, i.e. the enjoyment of passed on and acquired knowledge.

Mgr. Alena Petáková

EDULAB is bringing a new product this school year, the ‘World Phenomena’. The materials present many topics that link and strengthen cross-curricular relationships, develop multiple literacies, and inspire teachers to adopt innovative forms of learning. The materials are very practical, they can be used partly during lessons, as the main topic, and as block teaching when joining several subjects.

They can be incorporated into the announced call for EU Structural Funds - ‘Reading, Mathematical and Science Literacy in Primary School’. Schools can build a new subject based on them. The materials were aimed at 2nd level primary school pupils, yet many video demonstrations can also be used by 1st level teachers. We have had very good experience with Edulab over the years. They create very practical materials for teachers, and motivate teachers towards innovative forms and methods of working with pupils. Their materials are thoughtful and usable.

Primary schools already have experience with My First School, Small Financial Academy, Mission Blue Planet, the portal and several creative competitions related to their materials. Based on the good experience and initial responses of our teachers, I can also recommend this project to schools.

Prof. PhDr. Ľudovít Hajduk, PhD.

The pilot World Phenomena Expedition project transforms traditional methods and forms of education, and also education into experience, curiosity and the joy of active learning. Standard lessons can combine this novelty of methodology, and the interest of 21st century didactic resources using exclusive BBC videos and reports.

The advantage of such educational content is the support of causal links to individual curriculum topics, cross-curricular activities, the development of project education, and the presentation and argumentation skills of pupils.

Peter Matúš

Innovation is a natural response to the changing world around us. If we compare our households with our parents', we see a move towards time-saving devices. As a bank, we must also keep abreast of current trends and invest in new products and services to keep up with our clients. Education should keep pace.

Therefore, we support the initiative of the non-profit EDULAB organization to innovate education and improve the quality of learning materials. Investing in education is an investment in the future.

Miloš Božek

Panta Rhei bookshop became a partner of the World Phenomena Expedition project because books and education belong together.

Since this project offers an innovative and interesting to improve the education for pupils, we offer - together with the presentation of the project from October 2018 to our customers - a selection of educational books on topics available to pupils, teachers and parents at nine Panta Rhei bookshops across Slovakia and at in the World Phenomena section.

Riitta Tötterström

Using video content provided by BBC Learning, EDULAB together with AGEMSOFT have developed new classroom learning materials - World Phenomena. After examining the content of the World Phenomena, we believe that it is an exceptional addition to classroom practice, particularly the pedagogically-efficient use of videos and the promotion of teaching methods that reflect Finland's emphasis on competence and phenomenon-based education. EDULAB in Slovakia continues to be an important partner of the Oulu EduLAB program in Finland.

Based on our extensive experience in research and practice in video-pedagogy and interdisciplinary education, we believe that the content of the World Phenomena is a useful addition to high-level materials, supporting innovative classroom practice and quality educational materials for Slovak teachers.

British Council
British Council

The British Council is proud to support the World Phenomena Expedition project because it uses BBC documentaries, and also because of the benefits of using authentic English in classes.

That authentic English videos will be used outside English lessons is an advantage for pupils in cultivating their language skills. A goal of the British Council is ‘to bring high-quality language teaching materials to every pupil and teacher who wants them’. I believe that the World Phenomena Expedition project will deliver this goal.

Prof. PaedDr. Alica Vančová, CSc.

The World Phenomena - the interactive material provided by EDULAB is inspiring and innovative with the potential to truly attract teachers and 2nd level pupils at primary schools. And not only to engage them, but also creatively build an understanding of the relationships between phenomena and processes in nature, and to promote activity, initiative and autonomy in their educational and social area. The World Phenomena are designed to support several types of literacy among pupils and, from the didactic perspective, enable knowledge to be interconnected between subjects as well as individual and group work.

The Faculty of Education at Comenius University in Bratislava, through its teachers at several departments, cooperates with the EDULAB non-profit organization. Our previous experience allows us to express ourselves positively about the World Phenomena and to recommend them to schools.

Prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD.

After studying the World Phenomena Project documentation, which is aimed at the 2nd level of primary schools: I positively appreciate the multi-discipline approach of the project. Our pupils, especially those who come to study at universities, often lack in-depth special scientific areas as well as all areas necessary to understand an issue. How should World Phenomena be implemented in the learning process? I like the idea of creating an entirely new subject, which I think is very beneficial to our education. Yet the complexity covered in each topic (principle, effects, uniqueness and history) is also an excellent basis for future solutions to specific tasks and projects.

The BBC's participation in the project guarantees an objective approach and information. The project is designed to provide teachers with wide application possibilities, further development of the topic, positive stimulation of the pupil, support of his/her creativity, increased interest in education, use of non-standard teaching methods, and individual approach to teaching. Based on the above, I strongly support the implementation of such a project in the teaching process at the 2nd level of primary schools. I am convinced that it will help raise the level of pupils by expanding their knowledge, and in the comprehensive understanding of individual topics, understanding of context, application of the basic principles of the project approach in the educational process, and especially in the area of pupil personality.

Better prepared primary school graduates will certainly also benefit from improved quality of secondary schools and universities, which will ultimately increase graduates’ competitiveness and employability on the labour market.

Michal Sýkora

Education and curiosity should be encouraged.

We are increasingly hearing about the SMART agenda, which is related to technology solutions and mobile apps, as well as finding the best solutions, benchmarking and continuous improvement.

I therefore see education and curiosity as an individual approach that also moves us forward. The World Phenomena educational materials are an innovative element, supporting the quality of teaching in primary schools and contributing to conditions for interesting education, personal growth and general knowledge of pupils.

I think that combining information and communications technology with education helps to develop the SMART agenda and, through experiential learning, forms pupils from primary school age as curious, responsible and active members of our towns and villages.

„World Phenomena Expedition takes education to another dimension. The pupil becomes a researcher and the teacher increasingly becomes a facilitator. Individual phenomena are introduced in context and presented through unique BBC videos. By linking to English language teachers can apply the CLIL method to their teaching. And we see the main importance of this project in the application of cross-curricular relationships and the complexity that characterizes individual phenomena.“
Ing. Daniela Kopinská
Grammar school, Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
„World Phenomena Expedition can draw a pupil into a problem in a wider context - becoming a member of the expedition seeking solutions as part of a team. But the pupil doesn’t know the tasks are being solved in a cross-curricular way with a focus on problem-solving, which is exactly the innovative perspective. The subjects overlap. Such an approach to the subjects, a broader perspective, is also a novelty for teachers. It is a challenge we all look forward to.“
Mgr. Róbert Harmata
Primary school, Benkova 34, Nitra
„World Phenomena immediately interested me as an English teacher as it also includes BBC videos and I also enjoy new challenges. The school board opted for education through the new school subject ‘Research’. I am interested in physics, culture, books, and documents in general - so this was a dream come true. Our education system lacks this - linking topics, languages, cultures, etc. Education should be comprehensive rather than partial. The teaching will be experiential for the children and me.“
Mgr. Miroslava Závadská
Primary school, Pribinova 123/9, Nováky
„World Phenomena is a wealth of quality teaching materials, ready-made methodologies for teachers, the opportunity to experience innovative teaching methods, a new dimension of teaching, and the opportunity to show that innovation originates from a teacher’s thinking and attitude.“
Mgr. Gabriela Kuklišová
J. J. Turzo Primary School, Detva
„Being involved in the World Phenomena project is an opportunity to make teaching more attractive for our pupils and teachers. Using the project’s modern methods, activities and videos, we can increase pupils' interest in education and open new perspectives on current topics while enriching traditional teaching.“
Mgr. Lenka Harvanová
Primary school, Trieda SNP 20, Banská Bystrica
„We see the World Phenomena Expedition project as an opportunity to revive traditional teaching with new features. Especially pupils with learning difficulties can engage in the learning process in an interesting way with these non-traditional methods.“
Mgr. Lenka Paľová
T. J. Mousson Primary School, Michalovce
„We were intrigued by the opportunity to bring unique educational materials to pupils, including videos from the BBC and the World Phenomena Expedition with a young YouTuber. Teachers also need motivation in the 21st century and they can get it thanks to World Phenomena’s innovative educational methods, amazing educational materials and digital technologies.“
Mgr. Katarína Šalamúnová
Primary school, Mládežnícka 1434/16, Púchov
„BBC videos - as well as high-quality cross-curricular activities linked to innovative teaching methods - will help us achieve our goals. We’ll be implementing this project now and in years to come into our teaching and we believe it will be of great all-round benefit.“
Mgr. Katarína Kurucová
Primary school, Komenského 13, Sabinov
„We also joined the project because it’s good for children and teachers. When we discussed it with colleagues, they liked the idea and were eager to participate. We look forward to seeing how the children enjoy learning.“
RNDr. Zuzana Hanudelová
Primary school, Komenského 13, Sabinov